The Doghouse Daycare & Boarding
The Doghouse Daycare & Boarding


The best dog daycare in Lafayette, Louisiana


Our premium daycare is climate-controlled, so you don't have to worry about your dog.

Curbside Service, just drive up and a team member will come out to escort your dog to or from your car

Large indoor & outdoor dog runs, covered with a special dog friendly turf

Playgroups carefully chosen based on size, temperament, and age

Price List

Full Day
Half Day

Half day of daycare is up to 5 hours

The best dog boarding in Lafayette, Louisiana


We take the guesswork out of overnight stays with our boarding options.

14 luxury kennels & 33 standard kennels

Daily wellness checks delivered by highy-trained staff

Feedings according to your dog’s schedule

Spacious accommodations come with clean bedding and room service

Price List

Standard Kennel
Luxury Kennel
Shared Accomodations
In-House Food (Purina)
Kong Treat with Peanut Butter

Daycare is included for all boarded dogs.
Prices are per night.

The best dog bath service in Lafayette, Louisiana

Bath Service

Our skilled pet care specialists are here to give your pup the royal treatment.

Professionally trained and certified bathers

State-of-the-art pet salon

Designed to alleviate anxiety and stress

By appointment only

Price List

Bath - Small Dog
Bath - Medium Dog
Bath - Large Dog
Bath - Extra Large Dog
Brushing (Only)
Ear Cleaning
Nail Grinding
Nail Trimming

Baths include shampoo, conditioner, ear clean, brush and blow dry

Hours of operation

6:30am - 6:30pm
7:00am - 12:00pm
9:00am - 10:00 am & 3:00pm - 6:00pm

**The Doghouse Lafayette, Louisiana is not affiliated with The Dog Howse in Maurice, LA.**